¿Nos destruirá la inteligencia artificial?

Debate interesante sobre el tema en “Will AI Destroy Us?”: Roundtable with Coleman Hughes, Eliezer Yudkowsky, Gary Marcus, and me (+ GPT-4-enabled transcript!) con algunos expertos en un podcast norteamericano.
La posición general es bastante moderada (spoiler: no creen que nos vaya a matar ni nada parecido), aunque también parece que hay consenso en que no comprendemos muy bien las cosas que hemos construido, como dice, por ejemplo, Eliezer Yudkowski:
We don’t understand the things that we build. The AIs are grown more than built, you might say. They end up as giant inscrutable matrices of floating point numbers that nobody can decode. It’s probably going to end up technically difficult to make them want particular things and not others, and people are just charging straight ahead. So, at this rate, we end up with something that is smarter than us, smarter than humanity, that we don’t understand, whose preferences we could not shape.
Y eso, dice, sí que puede ser un riesgo.
Sin embargo Gary Marcus matiza que no parece que nada de eso vaya a suceder proximamente y que, en realidad, estamos antropomorfizando (dando forma humana) cuando afirmamos que las máquinas querrán cosas.
I think there’s a lot of anthropomorphization there about the machines wanting things. Of course, they have objective functions, and we can talk about that. I think it’s a presumption to say that the default is that they’re going to want something that leads to our demise, and that they’re going to be effective at that and be able to literally kill us all.
Vale la pena leerlo (o escucharlo) completo.
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2024-01-02 17:43 | 0 Comentarios | In English, please | En PDF | Para enlazar # |
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