Inteligencia artificial vs humanos

Me gustó leer Garry Kasparov on AI, Chess, and the Future of Creativity (Ep. 22) que es la transcrición de una entrevista que le hizo Tyler Cowen a Gary Kasparov donde se habla de algunos temas de actualidad (todavía, la entrevista ya tiene meses) con un nivel de profundidad interesante. Vale la pena leerla toda, pero señalo algunas partes.
A pesar de lo que se pudiera pensar, Kasparov comprende muy bien la inteligencia artificial, sus virtudes y defectos y no se siente especialmente atacado (o eso me lo parece a mi) porque una computadora le gane la partida.
Cuando se compite contra máquinas, hay que ser bueno todo el tiempo, porque las prestaciones (la atención, concentración, nivel ...) no decrece con el tiempo:
One of the greatest problems against any machine is how to deliver the final blow to win the game. Even if you lucky and you get a very good position, then again, you have to play with precision that is not required in human chess.
Los humanos tendrán imprecisiones de manera inevitable:
Any inaccuracy against the machine, even if you’ve made, already, 45 good moves and 4 great moves, but the 50th move that is simply inaccurate may deny you victory that you think you deserve by playing brilliantly. You don’t have to lose, necessarily, if your position’s really good. But let me emphasize, playing against the machine requires precision and concentration.
Sobre la inteligencia artificial y su uso, por ejemplo, en la conducción: ¿te subirías a un avión si te dicen que no funciona el piloto automático?
I understand that today, people are concerned about self-driving cars, absolutely. But now let us imagine that there was a time, I’m sure, people were really concerned, they were scared stiff of autopilots. Now, I think if you tell them that autopilot’s not working in the plane, they will not fly because they understand that, in the big numbers, these decisions are still more qualitative.
Lo dicho, para leerla entera con calma.
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