Blockchain y los gobiernos

Estos días estamos oyendo hablar mucho de las criptomonedas, bitcoin y la cadena de bloques ('blockchain'). Rescato una lectura de hace unos meses donde se comentaban diversos proyectos gubernamentales (a distintos niveles) sobre el tema: The Blockchain is Perfect for Government Services, Here’s A Blueprint.
Se refieren fundamentalmenet a ciudades, ayuntamientos y otras entidades gubernamentales:
Let me illustrate via some examples, what cities, municipalities and governments around the world are currently doing and planning with the blockchain in the first half of 2016.
Por ejemplo, en Delaware para gestión de registros de archivos y también la gestión de acciones y sus movimientos en empresas.
The first was about moving state archival records to an open distributed ledger. The second allows any private company [...] to keep track of all the equity issued
O en Singapur, nuevamente para 'vigilar' las transacciones y prevenir el
fraude contra los bancos.
In Singapore, the government has turned to blockchain to prevent traders
from defrauding banks.
En Estonia, proyectos para la e-residencia, o registros médicos:
With the blockchain, Estonia is bringing worldwide residents to them virtually, and increasing their government revenues accordingly.
Estonia also has a healthcare initiative where medical records are tracked,
Y así unos cuantos ejemplos más. Las categorías 'favoritas' serían: verificación de que determinados actos sucedieron realmente, movimiento de valores, registros de propiedad y, finalmente, de identidad.
1) Verification. Licenses, proofs of records, transactions, processes, or events. Did this event take place? Was this service performed on this piece of equipment? Does this person have the right permit?
2) Movement of assets. Transferring money from one person/entity to another. Enabling direct payments, once a work condition has been performed.
3) Ownerships. Land registries, property titles, and any type of real estate ownership. The blockchain is a perfect keeper of the chain of custody for any physical asset.
4) Identities. Government, cities should issue blockchain e-identities to its citizens, enabling them to securely use services like voting. An e-identity could become similar to a passport, allowing its holder access to a variety of services and rights.
Y el consejo para introducirse en estas cuestiones: los líderews deben comprender el tema y comprometerse a explorar su potencial, poner personas a cargo de la estrategia, empezar a experimentar, desarrollar ideas y marcar la diferencia.
Casi nada.
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