Internet, comunidades e investigadores

Aunque para mucha gente vivimos en la era post-blog, estamos viendo un renacimiento con algunas plataformas nuevas (Reflexiones sobre blogs), e incluso viejas redes sociales que tratan de introducirlas ( Movimientos blogueros en diversas plataformas, Linkedin, las recomendaciones y los contenidos).
Lo cierto es que en algunos contextos siguen surgiendo comunidades y supongo que, al final, se trata de encontrar la herramienta adecuada para tu ritmo y forma de trabajo.
Ya habíamos hablado sobre el tema en Más sobre bitácoras y blogosferas. En The Internet and the history of science community hay algunos comentarios valiosos sobre el tema.
Thony Christie es un historiador de la ciencia y nos cuenta sus hallazgos en el tiempo que lleva con su bitácora. Sobre todo, como ha cambiado su (nuestro) trabajo gracias a internet.
Por ejemplo, conocer a personas que luego son relevantes para su trabajo. La entrada empieza con:
Yesterday evening I had a very pleasant evening meal in Nürnberg with Karl Galle. Now somebody reading this statement, who doesn't know Karl, might wonder what this has to do with the title of this post. Things might become a little bit clearer if I explain that Karl is, like myself, a historian of science. Now this post is not actually about Karl but rather more how I came to be eating with him yesterday evening on the Market Square of the picturesque Renaissance city of Nürnberg.
Lo fácil que se olvida que no hemos tenido estas herramientas siempre:
In this age of cheap instant communications, I think we forget how new this all is. In the 1980s there was no Internet. Telephone calls were expensive even a long distant call within your own country would cost you an arm or a leg, so to speak, so they were outside of the possibilities of a poverty stricken student and not encouraged by employers etc.
(La de dinero que nos dejamos mi respectiva y yo en su momento, por este 'problemilla').
La comunicación entre científicos era por carta. o yendo a congresos:
If you wanted to communicate with another historian of science in Canada for example you sat down and wrote a letter; the sending of which and any eventual reply could and often did take several weeks. Truly snail mail. If you wanted to meet non-local historians of science you either went to conferences, although travel was in those days also prohibitively expensive compared to now, or you hoped that they would come round on the lecture circuit.
Como llegamos a internet:
Initially my interest in the Internet was connected to my love of music, the first website I ever visited was
Luego habla del nacimiento de los primeros blogs relacionados con su disciplina y cómo empezó a conocer y relacionarse con más gente de su campo a través de sus escritos en internet. Y como se acelera la velocidad en algunas partes del trabajo.
Even before I met her in the flesh, Becky and I became good Internet friends and when I blogged something about Albrecht Dürer and Nürnberg she said that I would probably be interested in the doctoral thesis of her earlier doctoral studies colleague Karl Galle. I said I was and could she supply me with his email address. Having checked that he agreeable, she did so and I wrote an email to Karl asking if he could supply me with a pdf of his thesis. He could and did, and I read it with great interest and we continued to exchange emails. All of this took place over a couple of days.
Un historiador hablando de su historia. Me gustó.
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