Licencias de uso y manifiestos
Ya hablamos de pasada el otro día en En estos días de la impresionante bitácora de Tim Swanson. Me permito recomendarles su descacharrante TIM.MOVEMENTARIAN.COM END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT.
Al principio dice:
THIS IS A CONTRACT between you (either an individual or a single entity - no multiple personalities) and the owner of the site ("Licensor") which is made available for download via your browser and internet connection which covers your use of the data and related data components (such as HTML tags), which may include printed materials and "online" or electronic documentation. All such data's and materials are referred to herein as the "Mickey Mouse."
Y al final:
Note: the term "Mickey Mouse" is not licensed from the Disney Company, it was manifested through the use of an arbitrary Scrabble method.
Note: the term "Scrabble" is not licensed from the Hasbro Company, it was manifested through the use of an arbitrary anagram system devised by Juggs and Mejuggs the wives of Zug and Ugzug.
Altamente recomendables (la bitácora y la historia).
Por otra parte, un manifiesto algo más en serio en El manifiesto htmllife del que suelo practicar, pero no siempre: "Quien escriba un comentario recibirá otro a cambio." (procuraré ser más diligente con eso a partir de ahora ...), y que resume muy bien el dinamismo de este medio en "Y si al final la cosa no anda, ¡que coño!, el manifiesto se cambia."
Leido en El manifiesto de Html Life (blogzine).
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