
MOOCs, China y formas de aprender

Palillos y aceituna
En China todo es desmesurado: tamaño, población, distancias...
En In China, Where Everything is a MOOC hablan de eso y de los MOOCs para profesores:

The most memorable line from my recent visit to China was this: "We have 12 million K-12 teachers in China who need to receive this particular in-service training, so we started with a group of about 200,000." When you are examining education policy in a country of 1.4 billion people, all of the numbers become unfathomably large very quickly.

Ante la demanda y la oferta, los MOOCs parecen ser una buena alternativa:

Part of the reason for the rise of MOOCs in China is that educational demand radically outstrips supply.

En contraste, en EEUU la falta de financiación y la percepción de que la educación MOOC no es del mismo nivel:

There is a sense, in the U.S., that if we stopped cutting funds to public education in the states, we'd be able to address a substantial portion of academic demand. Equity concerns, therefore, are more often framed around quality of instruction: a fear that MOOCs would lead to a two-tiered system where the affluent get their instruction in labs and seminars from elite professors and everyone else has to click through alone.

This particular line of concern, about MOOCs leading to a two-tiered educational system, was essential non-existent in our conversations in Beijing.

Mientras tanto, en el resto del mundo... Quién sabe.
Interesante el tema de la necesidad: cuando no hay muchas alternativas, cualquier sistema puede ser mejor que nada. Un motivo más para apreciar los MOOCs.
Interesante también el tema de la educación que queremos tener. Y si es importatne o no. Y cómo de importante.

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2015-06-17 18:52 | 0 Comentarios | In English, please | En PDF | Para enlazar # |
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