
Pero ... ¿Hacen falta informáticos?

En Year Of Code & The Myth Of The Programmer Shortage un texto de Jason Gorman sobre la iniciativa de enseñar informática en los colegios de Gran Bretaña.

No estoy seguro de que tenga toda la razón pero dice algunas cosas interesantes:

Behind all this is the belief that Britain and the British economy suffers from a growing shortage of programmers.

But this simply isn't true.

Britain actually has far more programmers than it needs. Don't believe me? Place an ad on Jobserve, the UK's leading source of IT vacancies, and - if it's reasonably well-paid - see how many responses you get.

Coincide parcialmente con lo que veo con cierta frecuencia: empresas que quieren informáticos buenos, bonitos y baratos (y que hace que no los encuentren como les gustarían).

Desarrollar buenos programas es difícil:

That's something that didn't seem to cross anyone's mind - that there's much more to it than just programming, for a start, and that it takes years to develop the skills and knowledge needed to build good, valuable, reliable, maintanable, secure, scalable software.

Que nos lleva a los programas que vemos en muchos casos: desarrollados con pocos recursos, poco tiempo y pensando poco en el futuro.

Luego, cuando una profesión es prometedora y una industria necesita muchos
empleados se llena de todo tipo de gente:

Gold rushes, like the dotcom boom of the late 1990's, tend to flood the market with average or below-average programmers. And, since the bar is set dangerously low in our profession, "average" really means "not competent".

Y también de jefes que no saben lo que tienen entre manos (porque, claro, lo importante es vender y los desarrolladores son solo una molestia necesaria):

I've already locked horns with two non-technical managers who went on a one-day course and subsequently started interfering in technical decisions they simply weren't qualified to make because "they know all about coding now".

En todo caso, los niños pueden aprender a programar:

No doubt, there is money to made by people willing to play up to the myths and offer quick fixes, and that's in no small part what it's all really about. Politicians and business leaders don't want to hear about long-term solutions. They need good PR today and something to crow about in time for the next election. Who cares if it makes a real difference?

Y, finalmente, algo que decía yo en algún foro hace poco y que creo que necesitamos urgentemente: respeto y cuidado de la profesión

It's my firm belief that, instead of focusing all our energies on bringing more warm bodies into software development, the government would make a much bigger impact by focusing on raising standards in the profession and improving the signal-to-noise ratio.

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2014-03-10 23:40 | 1 Comentarios | In English, please | En PDF | Para enlazar # |
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De: fernand0 Fecha: 2014-03-22 20:54

Lo han sacado también en Slashdot: The Myth of the Science and Engineering Shortage , enlazando a otro: The Myth of the Science and Engineering Shortage.

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