
Como aprendemos

En Don't Go Back to School: How to Fuel the Internal Engine of Learning un comentario sobre el libro "Don't Go Back to School: A Handbook for Learning Anything", de Kio Stark.

Sobre lo que la gente dice que recuerda como bueno de sus años estudiando:

When she interviewed people who did go to school and asked what they most liked about the experience, they "unanimously cited 'other people' as the most useful and meaningful part of their school experience." So, then:

"Given the primacy of community in the experience of learning, the question of how to take the auto out of autodidactic is the first and most central question for learners."

Sobre lo que hay que hacer para aprender mejor:

Learning your own way means finding the methods that work best for you and creating conditions that support sustained motivation. Perseverance, pleasure, and the ability to retain what you learn are among the wonderful byproducts of getting to learn using methods that suit you best and in contexts that keep you going. Figuring out your personal approach to each of these takes trial and error.

Y la variedad de formas de enfrentarse al aprendizaje, incluso la misma persona:

Independent learners also find that their preferred methods are different for different areas. So one of the keys to success and enjoyment as an independent learner is to discover how you learn.

En definitiva, aprender cómo aprendemos.

Creo que habrá que leerlo.

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2014-02-03 23:59 | 0 Comentarios | In English, please | En PDF | Para enlazar # |
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