
Otro cuantificador: con Google Calendar

En The Quantified Man: How an Obsolete Tech Guy Rebuilt Himself for the Future otra historia sobre otro super-medidor. Chris Dancy dice que cada vez las empresas tienen más herramientas para medir a los empleados (su trabajo, se entiende, y medidas asociadas; vale, otras cosas también) y que más les vale a estos empleados tener sus propias medidas por lo que pueda pasar. Si se puede medir, alguien lo hará:

"If you can measure it, someone will," he says, "and that somebody should be you."

Su método es, entre otros, tomar imágenes de su escritorio (pantallazos) y subir su actividad a un calendario de Google, de manera que no sólo conoce su actividad, sino que además la tiene temporizada con bastante precisión:

He constantly takes screenshots of his work, and everything he does -- every meeting, every document he creates, every Tweet he sends, every file he shares, every screenshot he takes -- is logged in Google Calendar, providing him with a timeline and his entire work life. If you ask him what he did on a particular day, he can tell you with great precision.

Su objetivo era tener una idea de lo que estaba haciendo (y compartiendo) en la red.

The first aim, he says, was to get a real sense of what he was sharing online. "If Klout is going to try to measure you, you should at least try to measure yourself," he says. Then it progressed from there.

Dancy afirma que las empresas van a empezar a hace esas medidas, en una sociedad del conocimiento donde hay que saber qué hacen los empleados y cómo afecta a la empresa.

Soon, Dancy says, companies will start tracking their employees in much the same way he tracks himself. They have no choice. "Enterprise needs new measurements of success for knowledge workers. Today's knowledge work is measured in really inappropriate ways," he says.

Finalmente, él cree que tiene algunas ventajas: ver su actividad como
simples datos le permite afrontar determinadas situaciones mejor.

In the end, it's worth it. "I can look at some things as pure data," he says. "That dehumanizes me in some ways, but it also helps me detach and deal with difficult people. I used to be always thinking about what I was going to say next instead of listening to people."


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2013-03-12 17:33 | 0 Comentarios | In English, please | En PDF | Para enlazar # |
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