
La elección del papa, ¿es segura?

Una lectura curiosa don de Bruce Schneier hace un repaso del proceso de elección del papa y los puntos débiles que puede tener el proceso en How secure is the papal election?.

Va analizando paso a paso las distintas fases y como se realizan y llega a la conclusión de que hay algunos pequeños puntos de fallo, pero que sería difícil conseguir modificar el resultado (sobre todo, al tratarse de un sistema básicamente manual y en un entorno muy controlado, parece difícil recurrir a determinados trucos y trampas).

I would also add some kind of white-glove treatment to prevent a scrutineer from hiding a pencil lead or pen tip under his fingernails. Although the requirement to write out the candidate's name in full provides some resistance against this sort of attack.

Y, el riesgo de no aplicar el protocolo con suficiente rigor, la complacencia:

Probably the biggest risk is complacency. What might seem beautiful in its tradition and ritual during the first ballot could easily become cumbersome and annoying after the twentieth ballot, and there will be a temptation to cut corners to save time. If the Cardinals do that, the election process becomes more vulnerable.

Las conclusiones: es difícil cometer fraude en un proceso abierto en el que intervienen un grupo de votantes que se conocen entre. Por otra parte, unas elecciones pequeñas son más sencillas de asegurar. Finalmente, un proceso que se ha ido mejorando durante centenares de años, debería ser bastante bueno.

First, open systems conducted within a known group make voting fraud much harder. Every step of the election process is observed by everyone, and everyone knows everyone, which makes it harder for someone to get away with anything.

Second, small and simple elections are easier to secure. This kind of process works to elect a pope or a club president, but quickly becomes unwieldy for a large-scale election. The only way manual systems could work for a larger group would be through a pyramid-like mechanism, with small groups reporting their manually obtained results up the chain to more central tabulating authorities.

And third: When an election process is left to develop over the course of a couple of thousand years, you end up with something surprisingly good.

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2013-03-01 18:25 | 0 Comentarios | In English, please | En PDF | Para enlazar # |
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