Sobre el aprendizaje

AAhora que se habla tanto de si MOOCS o no y si la educación evoluciona, revoluciona o implosiona (frase de introducción sin mayor trascendencia), recupero este artículo de Dan Berrett, Harvard Conference Seeks to Jolt University Teaching donde se habla de algunos resultados presentados en una conferencia del ramo.
Sobre estilos de aprendizaje y las las metodologías. Según Mahzarin R. Banaji lo de los diferentes estilos de aprendizaje sería un mito, sobre todo desde el punto de vista de las metodologías que deberían aplicarse:
One, said Mahzarin R. Banaji, a professor of psychology at Harvard, is what she called a "myth" about different learning styles, in which it is thought that some students learn best visually, others by hearing, and still others kinesthetically.
"There's no evidence, zero, that teaching methods should be matched up with different learning styles," Ms. Banaji said. "It's intuitively appealing, but not scientifically supported."
Sobre los exámenes, examinarse sobre un tema es una buena forma de aprender sobre él:
Two days later, they were asked to recall as many words as they could. Those who took four tests recalled words at up to twice the rate of those who only studied.
"Taking a test on something is a very effective way to learn about it," Mr. Roediger said.
But frequent quizzes--which he said should be low-stakes and not "deadly" multiple choice--often hit a wall of disdain among both faculty and students, he noted.
Escribir también es una buena forma de aprender:
Writing is often an effective pedagogical tool, too, several speakers said. For his history of psychology course, Mr. Roediger asks his students to send him short essays before each class meets. They respond to the reading. (Others at the conference who use this method said they sometimes ask their students to identify outstanding questions or relevant areas of their reading that have been left unexplored.) Mr. Roediger reads the one-page essays before class and works their thoughts into his comments.
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