
¿Sustituirá internet la educación que conocemos?

Después de la ola de artículos sobre las nuevas universidades o las viejas que ponen sus cursos en formatos web accesibles al mundo mundial, uno que 'juega' un poco a la contra: Why the Internet Isn't Going to End College As We Know It que puede valer la pena leer.

Nadie ha sabido hasta ahora montar una universidad barata y de alta calidad.

The simple truth is that nobody has figured out how to build a cheap, high-quality online university. Not even close. So far, the biggest investments in Internet education have come from the for-profit sector, and their results have been, to put it lightly, lacking.

La importancia del lugar:

As you might recall from your undergraduate years -- hazy as they may be -- colleges do more than just teach. Most obviously: They stamp their graduates a with a giant seal of approval for employers. In econ speak, this is called signaling. And signaling, while easy to disparage, is crucial.

Sobre esto último, recordemos aquello de La ciudad universitaria sin universidad.

Y el pronóstico:

What's more likely to happen is that colleges will learn how to adapt online technology to cut costs as they come under increasing budget pressure. They'll do it slowly, but eventually. The process might lead to fewer lecturers on campus, as schools begin sharing more big survey courses. The Harvards of the world might experiment with more remote, international campuses catering to foreign students. But a wholesale, top to bottom revolution in how we educate students? Not likely, no matter how many times you hear it repeated.

Las universidades incluirán más y más parte on-line para ahorrar costes principalmente. Pero, el autor cree, no va a haber una revolución en la educación de esta forma.

Quién sabe.

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2012-09-19 23:26 | 1 Comentarios | In English, please | En PDF | Para enlazar # |
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