Twitter en clase
He suggested that Twitter may be able to improve grades because it incorporates a feature into academic study that many students already use in their everyday lives--the "status update" that's a part of Facebook. He said this familiarity may make students more comfortable in both continuing class discussions outside the classroom, and responding to class material.
Invitaría, según el autor del estudio a continuar la discusión de manera más relajada y tranquila de los asuntos de clase.
La otra es una que repetimos de vez en cuando, con cada nuevo canal de comunicación que aparece:
"I think more could be done to understand the range of ways that the Twitter design can work better in class assignments and collaborative note-taking," Mr. Parry said. "But the fact that there is a new communication channel for talking with students is always useful and increases the number of students we reach."
Más canales, más estudiantes a los que, tal vez, se puede llegar.
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