Es la conversación (el secreto de su éxito)
El subtítulo lo dice todo:
The best blogs are written with conversation in mind, writes Steve Bowbrick
Y dentro:
Weblogs "sound", superficially, like monologues. One voice, one ego. But listen again. Listen closely to the tone of voice. It's much more likely to be receptive, undogmatic, sometimes ironic, often self-deprecating. Weblogs are not soapboxes. They are invitations to participate, to reply, to start a dialogue. Haughty and dogmatic weblogs exist (try the warbloggers), but their value is mostly in provocation, entertainment, aggravation - or just journalism. For most bloggers, conversation is the point of the exercise. Shouting into a void is sad and fruitless. Getting conversations going and learning from them is positive and life enhancing.
Y más:
Weblogs produce a class of conversation that is, if it works, of the highest quality, fuelled by the open-mindedness of the blogger and continually refreshed by provocation from readers.
Vale la pena leerlo entero. Sobre todo, cuando todavía hay quien confunde las cosas.
Hace un año (aproximadamente)
Muchas novedades (circo, mises, bitácoras, cibersexo).
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