
Jornada en la UPC: 'The future of quality university education in Informatics'

Nos avisa Ramón Sangüesa: el 17 de marzo a las 9:00 se celebrará la jornada: The future of quality university education in Informatics.

Ahora que se ha aprobado el nuevo marco académico para la Ingeniería Informática (y Química, ver nota de prensa (pdf), parece un buen momento para mirar más lejos.

The future of quality university education in Informatics

Keynote Lecture

Computer Science Education in Europe, strategic considerations
by Professor Andreu Mas-Colell
Full professor of the Pompeu Fabra University
President of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
General Secretary of the European Research Council
and former Minister for University Research and Information Society of the
Catalan Autonomous Government

Date: March 17th, 2009, 9:15 am

Venue: Aula Master, Campus Nord, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Open Panel Discussion

"Which type of computer scientist do we need for the future?"

Moderator: Prof. Manuel Hermenegildo
Prince of Asturias Endowed, Chair in Information Science and Technology,
University of New Mexico. Full professor at Universidad Politecnica de
Madrid and Director IMDEA (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in
Software Development Technologies)


Prof. Josep Casanovas
Vice rector, for University Policies, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
and former Dean of the Barcelona School of Informatics.

Prof. Ricardo Baeza-Yates
Vicepresident of Yahoo! Research for Europe and Latin America and Director
Yahoo! Research Labs Barcelona and Santiago de Chile. ICREA professor at
Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Dr. Carlos Domingo
Director of Internet and Multimedia at Telefonica I+D, Barcelona.

Prof. Jan Van Leeuwen
Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Department of Infomration
and Computer Sciene, Utrecht University and Vicepresident of Informattics
the European Association of Computer Science Schools.

Prof. José Rolim
Director, Centre Universitaire d'Informatique (CUI), Geneva University

Deberían haber pensando en los de fuera, vendría bien que empezara media horita más tarde. A ver si puedo acercarme.

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2009-03-04 10:01 | 1 Comentarios | In English, please | En PDF | Para enlazar # |
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De: Ramon Sangüesa Fecha: 2009-03-04 10:43

Muchas gracias por dar difusion!
Puede ser un evento interesante para replantearnos hacia donde vamos y que papel tenemos en el sistema de innovacion de nuestro pais.

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