
Internet: las usuarias ganan

O eso dicen en Girls and young women are now the most prolific web users.

A recent study by the Pew Internet Project in America on teens in social media found that blogging growth among teenagers is almost entirely fuelled by girls, whom it describe as a new breed of "super-communicators". Some 35% of girls, compared with 20% of boys, have blogs; 32% of girls have their own websites, against 22% of boys.

Girls have embraced social networking sites on a massive scale, with 70% of American girls aged 15-17 having built and regularly worked on a profile page on websites such as MySpace, Bebo and Facebook, as opposed to 57% of boys of the same age.

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2008-03-13 16:43 | 0 Comentarios | In English, please | En PDF | Para enlazar # |
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