
Historia de Navidad: Santa y los mercaderes

Una historia para leer en estos días. Por dos motivos: es un poco larga, asi que hace falta un poco de tiempo libre, y tiene inspiración navideña: Santa Claus vs. The Marketers (pdf). Creo que salió en alguno de los 'topes' habituales.
Transcribo algunas frases y párrafos que seguramente ya leyeron en otra
parte ...

The COE read on. "It's not the shameless disregard for privacy that should bother the American public. No, it's the blatant disregard of copyright and patent laws. Santa's Workshop doesn't buy toys from manufacturers and redistribute them to children ­ it copies them, out of thin air! This is piracy of the highest order, and I'm surprised the electronics companies haven't stepped in yet."

La informática nos salvará:

Paul shot him a sideways glance. "It's computerized. Everything's computerized. That means no errors, no delays, and no labor disputes. Trust me, it's just better."

Los proyectos terminan cuando se acaban:

Rob stared at the screen. This wasn't the official timeline he'd seen in the weekly reports; this was Paul's own private schedule. And there was no way that the project would be ready before next May. No gifts would go out this year.

La pérdida de ventas:

"We produce toys here that children wouldn't receive otherwise," Veronica said. "If we didn't make them, it's not like the toy companies would lose money."

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2002-12-27 12:34 | 2 Comentarios | In English, please | En PDF | Para enlazar # |
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De: miguel Fecha: 2005-12-07 04:11

dodne y como enpezo elfestival navideño

De: alfred Fecha: 2007-11-29 00:50

m,vkl x,ml , .xc, ñxc.-xc ´xc .x XV

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