
Las bitácoras y la ley

En la revista Computer Law & Security Report, en el número 22 aparece un artículo interesante Blogs, lies and the doocing: The next hotbed of litigation? (no se si irá el enlace. Si no va y alguien lo quiere seguro que conozco a alguien que puede proporcionárselo ;) ) de Sylvia Mercado-Kierkegaard donde se da un repaso a los casos de problemas que la autora ha encontrado sobre bitacoreros y sus problemas con las leyes: libelos, hablar (mal) del trabajo, desvelar secretos, vulneración del copyrigth, privacidad, problemas con ISP's.

De la conclusión:

Blogging is still a grey area, but it is already showing signs of being the next battleground for litigation with arrests being reported and cases being lodged before the courts. The law has not caught up with technology and often the courts do not know how to apply it to bloggers. There is very, very little case law at this point. Blogging has allowed millions of people all over the world to exercise their right to legitimate free expression. However, freedom of expression, though an absolute right is bounded by the rights of others. Bloggers who write anything negative, false or defamatory about a corporation or an individual are opening themselves and their companies up to the possibility of libel suits. For other bloggers, the law has been used to stifle legitimate speech.

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2006-03-24 18:24 | 2 Comentarios | In English, please | En PDF | Para enlazar # |
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De: JJ Fecha: 2006-03-24 18:38

Esa alerta de Science Direct, va de miedo... Interesante artículo, por otro lado.

De: fernand0 Fecha: 2006-03-24 18:45

Bueno. No pasa mucho mas de un listado de cosas y casos ...

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