100000 bitacoreros en Alemania
En Blogstats.de graphisch hay una estimación mas conservadora (58500) y un tope. Lo mas curioso es que el dato viene de noticias.info: T-Online Weblogs on 30-day free trial y una nota de T-Online que parece ser el distribuidor germano de Typepad (en nuestro entorno typepad no proporciona datos ni notas de prensa, que yo sepa).
La cosa tiene su interés porque hace un año, cuando estuvimos en el BlogTalk, los representantes germanos daban unas cifras inferiores a las de la blogocosa hispana, como nos recordaba el otro día Bunte Welt der BLOGS (bueno, en realidad, su traducción googlera, que no se alemán):
En alemán-inglés, y además hablando de uno:
The comparison with other European countries showed however that the German-language Blogger does not have to hide itself - Blogging comes into Europe simply somewhat more slowly into the courses. The Spanish Blogger Fernando Tricas reported of scarcely 20,000 Bloggern in its country, and although also it wishes itself more Mitschreiber, he stresses the progress in relation to the past year.
Some Blogs were in the meantime already more strongly linked than some net newspaper. Of Spain on-line journalist in the meantime also topic for the established media, which predominantly critically report, is but whereupon reacts the in the meantime self-confident municipality fast. The development runs here thus similarly as hadert in Germany, Tricas however, but is not pleased: "Things of acres getting more better."
Desde luego, estamos lejos de los millones de bitacoreros franceses.
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