
Cuando los bitacoreros 'cometen' periodismo

Primero el título: los sajones diferencian entre hacer algo normal, y hacer algo ilegal o incorrecto (commit suicide, commit murder, .... Según el diccionario que estoy consultando la palabra más adecuada en castellano probablemente sea perpetrar, aunque tampoco estoy muy seguro.
A lo que vamos. Hace unos días J.D. Lasica escribió When Bloggers Commit Journalism (que no se de dónde saqué el enlace, la verdad). Se trata de un resumen de un encuentro celebrado en la Escuela de Periodismo de laUniversidad de California. En ella tres periodistas y dos bitacoreros charlan amigablemente sobre la eterna (?) dicotomía. Los periodistas son Dan Gillmor, Scott Rosenberg y J.D. Lasica. Las bitacoreras: Rebecca Blood y Meg Hourihan.

Algunas frases:
"Dan Gillmor: Clearly, journalists should never do these things. (Laughter.) I've been teaching a media class at the University of Hong Kong every fall, and I've been asking them to do weblogs for the past four years. These are mostly professional journalists getting master's degrees. My purpose for them was to remind them that they can be publishers, that they don't need permission. And that's the thing that I like best about weblogging.[...] my readers know more than I do, and that's not threatening, it's actually a great opportunity. It's this constant feedback process through which I find myself learning more about the stuff I write about"

"Lasica: ... To me, the most serious challenge facing newsrooms today is that readers think we're largely irrelevant to their lives."

"Lasica: The more a weblog reads like a traditional newspaper article, the less interesting and relevant it is."

" Blood: The thing I've seen happening that's disturbing to me is I've seen echo chambers being created in the weblog universe. People who link only to people who agree with their point of view."

"Hourihan: A lot of weblogs are created by impassioned amateurs. Initially a lot of weblogs were started by people who knew how to do the tools, people who knew a lot about technology or Web design or HTML standards. And as more people have come aboard, you have all sorts of people ..."

"Lasica. But they're also niche experts in their own fields. A lot of people have told me, 'Why would I want to go to a journalist to get a second-hand report when I can go directly to someone who knows more about a subject because they live it day in and day out?'"

Sobre el modelo de negocio:
"Hourihan: Besides money? An incredible amount of things have come to me from my weblog. Being written up in The New Yorker, meeting my boyfriend, I get things all the time from my Amazon wish list --"

"Gillmor: It's the same business model as community theater."

Para completar la información: The rest of the story (no lo he leido aún), y Reporters Find New Outlet, and Concerns, in Web Logs del que ya hablamos el otro día en Ventajas e inconvenientes de las bitácoras.

Acualización: Francis Pisani hablaba del evento el jueves en Las narraciones que nacen y se propagan en la Red, y además daba un enlace a un sitio donde se puede escuchar la dicusión en Webcast of Panel on: Weblogs -- Challenging Mass Media and Society

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2002-10-16 09:34 | 0 Comentarios | In English, please | En PDF | Para enlazar # |
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