
Bitacoreros educativos

Este nos lo pasó El Pez en alguna de las listas que tenemos (o nos tienen) en común: Profesores de universidad empiezan a exigir a sus alumnos la creación de weblogs. Lástima que se olvidaron de la iniciativa granadina.

Coincide con que ayer lei otro sobre el tema, Educational Blogging, de Stephen Downes (recuerden que hablamos de él y de su trabajo en Ayuda a Stephen Downes. El artículo lo vi referenciado en Educational Blogging--Must Read y me permito extraer algunos párrafos.

Primero, sobre el bitacoreo:

Blogging is something defined by format and process, not by content.

Segundo, sobre los usos principales de las bitácoras en educación:

  • En lugar de una página web tradicional.

    First, teachers use blogs to replace the standard class Web page.

  • Enlaces a temas relacionados con el curso

    Second, and often accompanying the first, instructors begin to link to Internet items that relate to their course.

  • Organización de la discusión de clase.

    Third, blogs are used to organize in-class discussions.

  • Organización de seminarios, resúmenes y lecturas.

    Fourth, some instructors are using blogs to organize class seminars and to provide summaries of readings.

  • Y, escribir para recibir una calificación.

    Finally, fifth, students may be asked to write their own blogs as part of their course grade.

Citando a Mireille Guay:

The conversation possible on the weblog is also an amazing tool to develop our community of learners

Es la conversación!)

Hay riesgos:

Though the company retreated, the potential for conflict between a blog writer and an institution's administration remains. In addition to posting copyrighted or protected information, students can get into trouble for libelous content.

También citan a Pilgrim:

Writers will write because they can't not write. Repeat that over and over to yourself until you get it. Do you know someone like that? Someone who does what they do, not for money or glory or love or God or country, but simply because it~Rs who they are and you can~Rt imagine them being any other way?

Y, por supuesto,

... writing weblogs is not for everybody

Pero ... bitacorear en clase, ¿es realmente bitacorear?

What happens when a free-flowing medium such as blogging interacts with the more restrictive domains of the educational system?

Will Richardson dice que no

By its very nature, assigned blogging in schools cannot be blogging. It's contrived. No matter how much we want to spout off about the wonders of audience and readership, students who are asked to blog are blogging for an audience of one, the teacher.

Finalmente, una reflexión muy interesante:

Despite obvious appearances, blogging isn't really about writing at all; that's just the end point of the process, the outcome that occurs more or less naturally if everything else has been done right. Blogging is about, first, reading. But more important, it is about reading what is of interest to you: your culture, your community, your ideas. And it is about engaging with the content and with the authors of what you have read-reflecting, criticizing, questioning, reacting.

Esto ya lo dijo José Luis hace tiempo en una entrevista (de la que hablamos en Bitácoras, mundo digital, periodismo digital).

Puedes enterarte de las notas nuevas en: @reflexioneseir (Twitter), Reflexiones e Irreflexiones (Página de Facebook), Reflexiones e Irreflexiones (Canal de Telegram), fernand0 (en LinkedIn), @fernand0 (en Medium), Mastodon.

Referencias (TrackBacks)

URL de trackback de esta historia http://fernand0.blogalia.com//trackbacks/21108


De: JJ Fecha: 2004-09-01 15:07

Interesante el último punto.

De: fernand0 Fecha: 2004-09-01 15:25

Interesante todo el artículo, léanlo.

De: rvr Fecha: 2004-09-01 19:16

Cuidadín con la indentación, fernand0 :)

De: fernand0 Fecha: 2004-09-02 08:17

Arreglado, gracias por el aviso.

De: fernand0 Fecha: 2004-11-20 16:40

Trackback manual Bogs y academia (comunisfera)

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